It's at the point where schools getting so close to being out for the summer that it's getting bittersweet.
You walk through the hallways and realize that you'll never be in school with these seniors again. You'll miss certain teachers; who now as you look back, you see that they truly did change your life in a positive way.
As I walk down the halls; I don't have regret. But I wish I did more.
Walking to class today, there was a quote on the wall as I looked up: "You must be the change you wish to see in the world" - Gandhi.
I feel like I could've done more. There's always more that can be done. We need to constantly be progressing and improving ourselves. I should've said hi to more lonely kids. I should've walked the new kid to class. I should've sat with the lonely girl eating lunch on the stairs. I should have dropped off more notes in people's lockers and left love notes for friends in their textbooks. I should've given someone my prime parking spot. I should have tried harder to get better grades. Like I said, I don't have regrets. But I certainly have things that I would do a little bit differently if I were able to go back. The thing about time is that it's seriously so precious.
6 days left, congrats!